20 January 2025 No Comments by The Northern Standard

Warm memories of one of Monaghan Town’s leading businesswomen of the 1970s and 1980s were being shared across a wide area of the county this week after the passing on Friday, January 10 last of Anne Driver of Limegrove, Kilnacloy. Mrs Driver was a leading business figure in the town and a driving force behind the success of the Westenra Arms Hotel and subsequently the Lakeside Hotel, which she owned and managed in part – nership with her husband Peter. Under her astute steward – ship, the “West” became a Mecca for weddings and other social and communal gatherings, a lively hostelry which always kept pace with the times, and a venue for meetings and functions of a wide range of community, sporting and voluntary organ – isations.

Anne took a very personal and hands-on approach to the management of both her hotel establishments and had an exacting attention to detail and high standards of cus – tomer care, but inspired loy – alty and affection in her staff through her inspirational management style and indus – trious work ethic. Having commenced her working life…

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