The EirGrid Files Part VII include revelations about the tendering process for the 400 pylons of the North South interconnector, three months before it received planning permission from the Northern Ireland Department of Infrastructure, which also features in the correspondence. There are details of contacts between EirGrid and the Department for Communications to set up an agenda for a meeting last November with the three independent experts appointed by Minister Naughten to report on the cost and feasibility of undergrounding the project. Also emails concerning a separate report by a ...
The latest revelations in The EirGrid Files include more monitoring by the company of the views of Fianna Fáil Deputy Shane Cassells on the North South interconnector. The terms of reference for two studies commissioned by Minister Naughten and still unpublished state that they should be completed before the end of last year. The emails also show EirGrid’s update to landowners in September 2017 omitted any mention that the procurement notice for pylons for the line had been published by the ESB in an EU official journal. See full details on ...
The latest revelations by Michael Fisher in The EirGrid Files include a letter on behalf of the company and its northern subsidiary SONI seeking a meeting last year with EU Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier about the single electricity market. There is also correspondence with the Department of Communications about a visit by anti pylon groups and Sinn Féin representatives to the Brussels, organised by MEP Matt Carthy. See full details on page 14. Pic. Pat Byrne Click link below EirGrid – 23rd August
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The final section of The EirGrid Files includes a draft text sent by EirGrid to the Department of Communications to use in reply to Monaghan County Council about the North South interconnector and a briefing note on the difference between it and the sub-sea Celtic interconnector. There is also more correspondence concerning the planning approval granted to the project in the North and on EirGrid’s position regarding land access. Finally, there is a message from EirGrid to the Department drawing attention to a front page story in The Northern Standard ...
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This week we publish 24 emails obtained under an FOI request sent mainly by an EirGrid executive to the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment. There are also some responses from the Department. EirGrid say the y report regularly to the Department on all aspects of the North South Interconnector project and there is “nothing in any way unusual about such communications.” Full details on page 14. Click link below Eirgrid – 16th August
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Part Three reveals exclusively how EirGrid closely monitored media coverage of the North South interconnector in regional and national newspapers. Local media were chosen to place advertisements promoting the project and the company’s mobile information unit, the movements of which were regularly reported to the relevant government department. EirGrid also noted developments in Northern Ireland involving their subsidiary, SONI, which received planning approval for the line in the North at the end of January. Statements from business interests north and south in support of the project were listed, but not ...
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EirGrid briefs a government department weekly about its work on the controversial North South interconnector and other projects, as well as monitoring all media coverage, as we reveal exclusively in documents released under a Freedom of Information request. The opening of EirGrid’s new office in Carrickmacross and attendance at agricultural shows were among developments noted by the company in emails with the Department of Communications. See page 14 for part two of ‘The EirGrid Files.’ Pic. Pat Byrne Click link below EirGrid – 2nd August
General News, Headline, The Eirgrid Files »
EIRGRID FILES PART I PAGE I EirGrid is briefing a government department weekly about its work on the controversial North South interconnector, and closely monitoring political developments and all media coverage, as Michael Fisher reveals exclusively in documents released under a Freedom of Information request. See page 14 for part one of ‘The EirGrid Files’. Click on link below EirGrid – 26th July