Castleblayney College was bursting with pride this week as it celebrated the outstanding success of students in the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition. Transition Year twins Caoimhe and Hannah Quinn were awarded the prestigious Amgen Gold Partner Award with their project ‘Shading the Future – Analysing the Cellu- lar and Genetic Responses of Cellulose and DNA to Ultravi- olet Light’ . Second Year students Aoib- hín McDonald, Rhiannon McMahon and Zyon Muringayi received a Highly Commended award for their project ‘Bird Flu – Should we be worried or wing it?’ “The students’ hard work, dedication, and passion for learning have truly paid off, and the school community couldn’t be more thrilled to share their accomplish- ments, ” said principal Mrs Mary McArdle. “To have two projects on display in the RDS is an amazing achievement for Castleblayney College’s Sci- ence Department and testa- ment to the dedication of our teachers, students, their fam- ilies and our school commu- nity. “This year 2,070 entries were received into the com- petition with 550 chosen…