2 November 2024 No Comments by The Northern Standard

By Veronica Corr As we went to press yesterday, (Wednesday), local entrepreneur Padraig Watters took time out of his busy schedule to speak to The Northern Standard about his family’s latest acquisition. The landmark Westenra Arms Hotel located on The Diamond, Monaghan Town. Padraig revealed that the sale arose out of conversations he had with a member of McEnaney family back in mid- July and that the deal was sealed the oldfashioned way, with a handshake. The deal will be finalised in early December. It will be business as usual and the staff can be assured that their jobs are safe, Padraig confirmed. There will be a seamless transition.

He looks forward to this new venture in hospitality and has plans lodged with the council to renovate seven bedrooms. Padraig said that the news was greeted with positivity from local publicans, as every business lifts the local economy. The night-time economy will also be supported by the nightclub remaining operational. Padraig observed that Spy is one of the biggest nightclubs remaining in Ireland and that it attracted in people from other counties to socialise in the town.

Padraig and his family are no strangers to the hospitality industry, as his brother Raymond runs the Old Coach Inn in Castleblayney. Padraig is the entrepreneur behind GR8 Entertainment too and Watters’ SuperValu. The family also own Monaghan Hire and have a hand in property developing. The history and heritage of the Westenra was not lost on Padraig and he was knows the local treasure he and his family have acquired. In a statement issued this week, the McEnaney family, who owned the hotel…

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